
winmedia advertising roller blind

Promote your business with an advertising roller blind and get privacy protection at the same time.

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Home > Our Products > winmedia advertising roller blinds

Due to information overload, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach people. Clear, concise and emotional messages that stand out and convince are important. These can be messages with a commercial background or with a public interest or social background.

Topics such as integration, tolerance, prevention of violence or social togetherness are just a few current buzzwords. The winmedia advertising roller blinds are the ideal medium for generating attention and arousing interest locally on and inside buildings, i.e. where people spend time.


winmedia Werberollo vorher


winmedia werberollo vorher

Strong visibility, permanent presence and a high-quality look characterize winmedia® advertising roller blinds.

In addition, the advertising roller blinds serve as

This makes them an integral part of the facade and building design.


Other advantages:

– All this combined in one product

winmedia werberollo Autos

– All this combined in one product

The equipment options are very diverse:

Michael Müller

Contact Persons

Dr. Michael Müller

Managing Partner

Have we aroused your interest?

Tell us the area of application and we will work out the solution.

You can find the winmedia advertising roller blinds brochure here.